Graphology – understanding slant in letters

Slants are a very good way of knowing the emotions expressed by a person. Not how much the person feels, but how much he or she shows. Feelings are expressed by people when they are in a situation as well as when they are dealing with others too. So slants can be a really useful tool to also know the degree to which a person is ready to reveal.

Types of slants

There are three types of slants possible.

  • Straight up and down or no slant
  • Reclined or Left slant
  • Inclined or Right slant
  • Stants moving in all direction or mixed slants

Vertical Slant

Persons who have vertical slants are highly cool and calm people. It can either mean that they will not panic in emergency situation or they are able to hide their real emotions very well. Either option is good for those who are made in charge to deal with dangerous situations such as emergency services.

Their head rules the heart and they will think things through. Such people do not freak out by difficult situations. People with straight slant never bend while getting introduced or shaking hands with others.

Forward Slant

Right slant people are extroverts. They are also impulsive. These people are the ones who watch advertisements and make buying decisions to regret later. It is relatively easy to dupe such people too, once you gain their trust. That does not mean that these people are easy to manipulate. They work best in fields like marketing.

Emotions rule their life rather than intellect.

Backward Slant

Left slant people might not necessarily be reserve, but they do hold back a lot. A slight back slant might indicate a recent past trauma or difficult episode. A slant far back means there is a troubled past in that person’s life. Such people also might have difficulty communicating with strangers.

Mixed Slants

There can be two options here. Either there are different slants in a sentence or multiple handwriting samples. Or there can be multiple slants in a single word.

Multiple slants indicate different ego state. Changes in ego state can happen in a matter of seconds. A person can write with different ego states at different times. However if the ego states change within a word, that is a sign of unbalanced emotional state.


Slants and speed of writing

For a person who writes very slowly and with a left slant there is surely something to hide. Speed of writing is a good clue on the state of mind of a person. A person who writes tiny and slowly with a back slant is someone to watch out for.

This situation however cannot be applied to calligraphers who write slowly as per the script. While taking a writing sample be careful if the person is writing with an intent, then the sample will not be accurate.

Slants and loops

In the previous article we have seen how the various loops depict the graphological traits of a person. You can read about it in the link below.

Consider the following examples below. The first word “open shows an upright stroke means the person is calm but yet open for suggestions and ideas. In the second example of the word “hope” the person is exhibiting right slant and at the same time forward thinking because of the long loop.

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