Does graphology reveal health problems?

We all know that graphology can reveal mental problems since handwriting comes directly from the brain. But what about our physical state? Can handwriting give us a peep into any problems we are having with health? Let us explore.

7th April 2023 which is the World Health Day was also celebrated as the 75th birthday of WHO. The theme for this year is “Health for all”. Mental health is paramount for the lifestyle of today. Handwriting can reveal a lot about our mental state of mind. But there are a few ways in which we can predict certain physical conditions.

Lack of energy

If the handwriting is dark or there is too much pressure on the paper in a way that it is visible on the other side then the person has high energy levels. That also means a possibility of excessive levels of energy which might require a change in diet. A light pressure means lack of energy or tiredness.

High blood pressure

If there is a variable pressure on handwriting especially change from light to dark might indicate a high blood pressure.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the brain which leads to uncontrolled movements in the body. It can be shaking of hands or stiffness too. Some people find difficulty in walking too. This is a degenerative disease which means it gets serious as it progresses. There is no known treatment for Parkinson’s disease. However handwriting analysis might reveal the onset of this condition. If a person writes too small it can be a sign of this condition.


One indication of Schizophrenia is the varied slant in a sentence, sometimes even in a word. This is a serious mental disorder which shows when a person is not in sync with reality. There is no cure for schizophrenia, but with proper medication and care it can be controlled.

Other visual indicators

Here are some ways graphologists can find out the physical well being of a person.

  • Ending the letter or word with a flick of the pen. In this case, the person is showing sign of dehydration which is leading to ill health.
  • Letters not fully closed. Letters like small ‘b’ or small ‘p’ might indicate irregular heartbeat. It can also mean some cardiac problem which needs investigation.
  • Letter geometry. Letters consist of straight lines, circles and loops. Any irregular geometry indicates issues with the brain and nervous system. In this case a graphologist will try to correct the geometry and improve mental abilities.
  • Mood changes and handwriting. People having thyroid problems manifests in changes in moods and that reflects in the handwriting.

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