Five health tips for the busy bee artist

We artists love to be busy with our creative pursuits. But as the years pile on, the enthusiasm does not match the capabilities. Health is never a problem while we are in our 20s and 30s. So here is what I do to ensure that I have enough energy for my creativity.

Tip number 5 – Always get up with the sun

No matter when you sleep and how many hours you sleep, always wake up with sunrise and immediately go for a walk. Let your skin soak in the sun because that is the only way that crucial Vitamin D can be generated inside your body. The sunlight also helps to reset the body clock so that you can sleep well. Walking is the only exercise for fat burning, the rest are either anabolic or catabolic. Wear appropriate clothes so that most of your skin is exposed to the sun.

Tip number 4 – Beat stress induced inflammation by suryanamaskar

Artists have to sit or stand in one position for a long time. Sometimes it is part of the job or we get so engrossed in work that we forget to take a break. For a reminder, you can set an alarm on your smartphone or watch. But more important, regular suryanamaskars in the morning or evening ensure sufficient flexibility of the body and stretching of muscles. It also gives strength and is an excellent breathing exercise too. Flexibility is the best counter to stress induced inflammation.

Tip number 3 – Diet

A keto diet combined with intermittent fasting is a proven way to keep weight under check and provide sustained nutrition to the body. Keto diet is basically a low carb and low sugar diet where you increase the sensitivity of insulin hormone. Fasting ensures that body get sufficient time to enter into fat burning. Providing the body with the right nutrients keeps your cells healthy and increases your productivity.

Tip number 2 – Reverse oxidative stress

Are you feeling tired or having memory loss? Do you suffer from unexplained muscle and joint pain? You might consider the possibility that you are suffering from oxidative stress. Food digestion and oxidation provides energy for our body. But this process also leaves behind reactive oxygen species (ROS) which is removed by the body at the same time. If this balance between production and elimination is disturbed, it results in these free radicals escaping the cell and then causing a chain reaction of damage to cells and tissues. This damage is similar to the effect of ageing and is called oxidative stress.

Our brain is most vulnerable to oxidative stress because it is consumes most of the energy produced in the body. In case of artists, the creativity part consumes more energy than average humans. 🙂

Environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and diet may not be direct contributors but they do slow down the ability of the cells to mount an effective anti oxidant defence mechanism. So does alcohol consumption and smoking.

A keto diet basically cuts down on carbs, sugars and processed foods. Keto diet also aims for the body to enter into ketosis on daily basis. Ketones are known to burn as clean fuel but also reverse damage by free radicals. Prolonged fasting also increases the production of BDNF which takes care of the oxidative stress damage to the brain and nervous system.

Tip Number 1 – De-stress with your loved one

Stress is a part of life. If there is someone out there offering you happiness, do not fall for it. A daily de-stressing routine is a must. Some people have an early dinner and settle to listening music. Others spend time with family and children. Quite a few of us de-stress with our closest friends.

But the ultimate stress buster is always going to be that one person, the special person in your life. It could be a friend, relative, sibling or your spouse. When you are with this person, you forget all your worries.

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