
Graphology – understanding spacing

Spacing tells how the writer feels toward other people, about his social behaviour and whether or not he/she things fluidly. Spacing refers to the distances between letters, words and lines of writing.

Human beings are designed to be close to each other. This brings us the sense of community. We like to be loved and liked by other people and do the same to others too. So as humans we maintain the concept of spaces. The most common complain we hear from people is that they want their space. Without this they feel suffocated and feel pressurised by others. This concept of spaces also comes about in our handwriting.

Spaces between words

Narrow word spacing means the writer is habitual of depending on others. He or she also expects other to depend upon him too. They do not understand the concept of space and keep intruding on other peoples privacy.

If they are in relationship with someone, they will always want to do things together. Going out together, eating together and so on. In case narrow word spacing writer is in friendship with someone they might even demand to not share friendship with others.

In group activities or family functions these people are always in the thick of things so as to say. They will participate in every activity. Naturally this also means that those who keep narrow spaces between words are extroverts and have lots of energy.

Wide word spacing means the writer is a person who likes to observe but will not participate. Such people will keep their distance and will stay away from most of the hulla gulla in family functions. These people are also very selective and choosy and are not open for experimentation. They will also be the last ones who want to try out a new restaurant or a new food menu. They will also be careful on how much they open up and to whom.

But wide spacing writers are more open minded and flamboyant. it also denotes confidence.

Privacy is very important to such people. They are neither dependent on other nor they help too many people when asked for.

Uneven spacing denotes a confused or moody person.

Spacing between letters

Narrow spacing between two letters denotes selfishness. These people look out only for themselves. They do not want to listen to other people opinion. These people also indulge in time wasting activities from time to time.

Wide spacing between two letters represents pause between two actions. These people are interactive. They give space to others for growth.

Spacing between lines

Normal distance between two lines is calculated using the graphology technique of zones. Once you determine the spacing between the two lines of the writer it can be classified between normal, wide and narrow.

If each letter in a word is considered individual actions and each word in a line is considered as a group of actions and each line is considered as an activity, then in terms of graphology, space between two lines indicates the space between two activities in the life of a writer.

Wide line spacing means the writer gives too much of a gap between two back to back activities. Such people reach too much before time to catch a train or flight.

Narrow line spacing means little space between two activities.

No line spacing means street smart people who are sharp. Such people are good multitaskers who can manage to do two or more activities together.

Entangled line spacing means the writer cannot manage schedules properly. Such a person cannot perform admin jobs or tasks which require meeting multiple deadlines. Wrong person to keep as a project manager or event manager.

Every person gets 24 hours in the day. If the number of lines in a page are inadequate that means the person is doing less work in same time what other people might do. Such people have a long list of excuses, they are lazy and lethargic. Students who write less lines in one page can get tired easily. Such people need a plan and good time management. People who have too many lines in one page can get even more tired since they are packing up large number of activities in a single day. However such writers are successful in life and achieve what they aim for.

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