Why do we celebrate birthdays

In a complex society like ours there is a divided opinion whether birthdays require celebrations. Some say it is just another day, everyday is a birthday for me. A few memes announce that since one more year from my life has reduced, don’t wish me. Others cite budget reasons to not celebrate. But the majority believe that it is a day of happiness. Here is why.

It is the day you were born

You were brought into this world by your parents and a stroke of luck. All those people who are connected with you could do so only because you were born on this date. It is only fair enough that you celebrate this occasion with those people. A birthday party is not just for yourself but for all those special people who are in your life.

You made a difference

You have worked hard all year long. Sometimes days went by without you taking a breather. But in this routine called life, you can make one day in the calendar where you can lay back and take stock.  It is the day to pamper yourself and allow people to do the same.

Invite people over

All year long people called you to their homes to celebrate. It sounds about right to repay back in kind. It gives you an opportunity to show how important these people are in your life. If you are especially concerned about gift exchange, make it a policy for life and let your friends know about it in advance. 

You matter a lot

This day of the year is all about you. As part of society or family or workplace, you are an identity in the world. We get so caught in daily routines and responsibilities that me-time takes a backseat. This is one day where you can only think about that one person who matters the most. You.

Mystery of a birthday gift decoded

At the 16th year of their marriage a husband was wondering what to buy for his wife for her birthday. So he gifted her a brand new pre-created Instagram Account. 

Yes, choosing a gift sometimes becomes a difficult task for some people and to repeat it every year … we understand. That is why at Kreative Veranda we have the best birthdays solution for you. Ranging from all sizes big to small and covering all ranges of budget we have the biggest collection of customised gifts you can ever dream of. If there is an idea in your mind, we have the design for it.

Why custom gift

Simply because you can convey to the person how much he or she means to you. Customised gifts at Kreative Veranda are made with lots of effort and care. These days it is easy to paste pics on different surfaces. You can help us create a wall mounted design or something that can be placed on a table. It can even be an album which can be tucked away safely. Anything around you can be customised as a gift. We at Kreative Veranda also bust the myth that custom made is expensive. 

So what are you waiting for? 

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